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Vessel stats

Class B
Nationality Denmark
Year Built 1915


  • Name: FULTON
  • Class: B
  • Nationality: Denmark
  • Year built: 1915
  • Home port: Esbjerg
  • Length of hull: 28 m
  • Entered by: Betina Kæseler


  • Number of trainees: 12
  • Number of permanent crew: 4

Tall ship races and regattas


Fulton of Marstal is a 3-mast schooner constructed in 1915 by shipbuilder Christian Ludvig Johansen. Built to transport dried and salted cod from Newfoundland to the Mediterranean. The small Marstal schooners, like the schooner Fulton, were called sparrows because there were many of them and they were always on long voyages.

Nowadays, the ship is an active part of the Danish Maritime Heritage. They offer sailing voyages to ordinary school classes, where students take part in all kinds of practical work – from hoisting the sails, cooking meals, cleaning and around the clock watch duties. The Danish Sail Training Association (DSTA) join the ship a couple of times a year – when they are on board, they increase focus on tall ship sail training and practical seamanship.

Fulton offers young people with different kinds of difficulties to live on board for longer periods of time and work side by side with the crew. They work hard to improve their skills as well as their belief in their own abilities. Fulton’s wish is to motivate the trainees in education or employment and finally enable youngsters to live a fulfilled life.


The organization “Fulton Fonden” takes care of the daily operations and maintenance of the ship. The ship works under the motto: “We work together to make good days for each other”. Fulton of Marstal is owned by the Danish National Museum.


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