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Wylde Swan Is A Clear Winner

July 22, 2011

The full fleet is now in-port and following last night’ crew party it is safe to say that the international crews are fully appreciating Shetland hospitality.

Today’ activities have included inter-ship sports activities and it has also been rumoured that this has not been limited to trainees!

Several Captains have been pitching their skills against each other on land in a clay pigeon shoot-out, ensuring their competitive spirit runs right through the race series.  

It was the Captain of Wylde Swan, Jí_rgen’ Hanekom, who came out on top in the shooting competition and he also picked up a Sail Training International prize yesterday for Outstanding contribution to the Cruise-in-Company.

There will also be Russian celebrations taking place later tonight as Captain Victor Antanov of Mir, turns 74 years old today.  Happy Birthday from all at Sail Training International!

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