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Sailors of peace’ countdown to the world’ biggest annual Tall Ships Race

June 17, 2014

Excitement is mounting and final plans are being put into place for the biggest annual Tall Ships Race in the world.  And this year the Tall Ships fleet celebrates a first, an anniversary and an experience of a lifetime, with music!

First Tall Ships Race in Harlingen

The Races start with a grand port event in Harlingen, The Netherlands. This will be the first Tall Ships Race in Harlingen and the most impressive event of the year in the north of the country. It is a Tall Ships friendly port and the organisers have focused their attention on activities for young people.

Sailors of peace in Fredrikstad

The fleet will race from Harlingen to Fredrikstad, Norway – the second host port for The Tall Ships Races 2014.  Here 105 young Norwiegan trainees have just completed four seminars to prepare them as country ambassadors for the event (Fredrikstad ‘Sailors of Peace’ pictured above).

Since early spring these talented trainees – known as ‘The Peace Sailors’ – have spent their Saturdays learning how to make the most of their trip of a lifetime. 

At the first seminar Svein Roald Hansen, Vice President of the Norwegian Parliament, told them about the importance of the 200 year anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution and why freedom of speech rooted in the Constitution is such a fundamental part of their democracy.

At the second seminar, a specialist related freedom of speech to social media, and gave the youngsters ideas on how to use social media as personal communication tools. Many of the Peace Sailors plan to blog and report through social media about their life changing experience on board a tall ship.

The third seminar was by a famous Norweigan football and icehockey coach Morgan Andersen – a previous participant in World Cups and the Olympics. His message was about mental training and preparedness for individual and group challenges. Vilde Lofthus Rooth who participated in the Tall Ships Races in 2013 also told stories about meeting challenges sailing from Riga to Sczcecin.

At the final seminar Norweigan basket ball team player and winner of the TV competition ‘Champion of the Champions’, Marco Elsafadi, talked about cooperation, self confidence and the will to win. 

One of the young trainees, Karl Adrian Hillestad Skimten (18) commented, äóìI know I reflect people around me and will always try to adjust, but only to the extent that I do not compromise my own free will.äó

Shanties in Bergen

From Fredrikstad the ships will enjoy a Cruise in Company to Bergen, Norway, visiting some Norwiegan guest ports, while cruising in a relaxed atmosphere.

This port event will be the biggest and most attractive party in the west of the country, with an estimated 500,000 visitors over four days and a key focus on music.   There will be a naming ceremony, shanties, marketplace, singing cadets from the masts, maritime village, closing ceremony combining metal, shanties and ship whistles, spectacular fireworks and free concerts and entertainment every day.

Event of the decade in Esbjerg

The final leg is a race from Bergen to Esbjerg, Denmark where a maritime celebration and great atmosphere are promising to greet the fleet. The port anticipates this to be the event of the year – if not the decade.

Knut Western, Race Chairman, Sail Training International said. äóìThis year we have attracted 78 Tall Ships from around the world, bringing with them thousands of young people of all backgrounds from o

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