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Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta Race 4, Report 3: Provisional Race Results Are In

Posted on: 27.06.17

The provisional results for Race 4 of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta are in and Gulden Leeuw (Netherlands) provide an update from their first day exploring the Nova Scotia…

Here’s the latest from Sail Training International Race Director, Paul Bishop:

“There was some very fast and exciting racing from Boston and the provisional results confirm just how close it was with just minutes between vessels in some cases.

“The strong SW winds that built up after the race start generally favoured the Class A ships which benefitted from their large sail areas and long waterlines with speeds of over 14 knots being reported. Both Union (Peru) and Eagle (USA) covered the race course rhumb line distance of 450 nautical miles in under 2-days.

Blue Clipper (UK) had a terrific race and finished well ahead of her Class B rivals in 3rd place overall on CT and 1st in Class. Jolie Brise (UK) and Spirit of South Carolina (USA) were 2nd and 3rd in Class B.

Geronimo had a great race too and is in 1st place in Class C/D ahead of Rona II and Spaniel.

“The Race Committee is planning to publish the final results this weekend once they have received all the Race Declaration Forms.”

Paul Bishop, Race Director, Sail Training International

The provisional results from Race 4 of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta, from Boston to Gulf of Saint Lawrence Ports, on Corrected Time:

  1. BAP Union (Peru)
  2. Eagle (USA)
  3. Blue Clipper (UK)
  4. Oosterschelde (The Netherlands)
  5. Europa (The Netherlands)
  6. Alexander von Humbolt II (Germany)
  7. Gulden Leeuw (The Netherlands)
  8. Jolie Brise (UK)
  9. Spirit of South Carolina (USA)
  10. Atyla (Vanuatu)
  11. Esmeralda (Chile)
  12. Geronimo (USA)
  13. Picton Castle (Cook Islands)
  14. Guayas (Ecuador)
  15. Rona II (UK)
  16. Spaniel (Latvia)
  17. Vahine (Finland)
  18. Regina Germania (Germany)
  19. Peter von Danzig (Germany

Note: Positions and placings are correct at time of writing. Check out YB Satellite Tracking for the latest information.


Gulden Leeuw (Netherlands): monday 26 June

“After a good night sleep at anchor we observed a beautiful sunrise with plenty of whales swimming around our vessel. Our Bosun, Lukas, took the trainees on a mission ashore, which challenged them to buy local food, trade an item and get something you cannot buy. When we arrived with Black Betty, we were welcomed by Philip working in his backyard. We asked him for the nearest shop, which turned out to be more than 20mins away by car. Since we were from the big tall ship anchored in the middle of the bay, he gave us a ride. Before leaving he offered us lobster rolls so his wife prepared them while we ran the errands.

“Funny side fact: Nick, our trainee from Bermuda had actually never seen a real forest in his life, therefore he was actually freaking out in the car taking tons of pictures for proof. Even though it wasn’t the most beautiful forest, it made his day.

“At the store we bought cake, we traded one of our blue trainee shirts for a NS fire department shirt, 2 speakers, a canadian rain poncho and NS pins, which was an awesome trade. Then we went back to find Philip’s wife Priscilla with delicious and fresh lobster rolls and decided to take them to show them our beloved vessel. Since we still needed something you cannot buy, he gave us a vile with beachglass that he had collected and polished by putting it in a tumbler – Mission accomplished!!!They were so happy to visit the Gulden Leeuw and ended up staying for lunch. Even though they told us we made their day, they totally made ours with those lobster rolls.

Afterwards Lukas took our new Canadian friends back ashore, we lifted anchor, set sails and off we went towards Pictou (which is actually pronounced Picto).”


Now they have passed the finish line of Race 4 at the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the Tall Ships will disperse and begin the the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta Guest Ports Programme. This programme is an opportunity to sample the hospitality of more than 31 different and beautiful Canadian guest ports in the region.

Far away from the high energy of racing and four-day host city festivities, it’s a chance for vessels to enjoy a pre-planned 48-hour stop-over, or longer, in order to sample the diversity of maritime heritage and different cultures that each Canadian guest port has to offer.

Crews will have the chance to explore the beautiful maritime provinces of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, as well as the provinces of Québec and Ontario. Plus, take advantage of a programme of events and crew facilities which will be provided in each port.

Get Involved

You can still be part of this adventure of a lifetime. Berths are available for the Guest Ports Programme and Race 5 from Halifax to Le Havre. Why wait? Secure your place today. Check out the available places on our Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta event pages.

You can book your place directly with a participating vessel, or if you’d like help simply email our friendly team on, who can make recommendations, answer questions and process your booking for you.

Photo: Joilie Brise (UK) taking part in Race 4 of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta, courtesy of Valery Vsilevski.


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