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Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta Race 1, Report 8: The Fleet Begin to Arrive in Sines and News from the Crews

Posted on: 26.04.17

The Tall Ships fleet are starting to arrive in sunny Sines, Portugal, as they begin to cross the finish line of Race 1 of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta…

At time of publishing YB Tracking shows that Jolie Brise (UK), Hosanna (France), Wylde Swan (Nertherlands), Rona II (UK) and Peter Von Danzig (Germany) have all finished the first leg of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta.


  1. Jolie Brise (UK)
  2. Hosanna (France)
  3. Wylde Swan (The Netherlands)
  4. Christian Radich (Norway)
  5. Blue Clipper (UK)
  6. Santa Maria Manuela (Portugal)
  7. Rona II (UK)
  8. Peter von Danzig (Germany)
  9. Etoile (France), retired
  10. Vera Cruz (Spain), retired

Note: Positions and placings are correct at time of writing. Check out YB Satellite Tracking for the latest information.

News from the crew of Santa Maria Manuela

“24th April: It was so far so good until the wind rose, “Everybody on deck, change the sails”. Communication with the crew was difficult, which led to one of the sails ripping, pulling instead of easing!!

“25th April: The 8.00 – 12.00 shift: Swabbing the decks was very enjoyable – not what we’d expected, a hose fight with the crew, all wetting us whilst we scrubbed. It was cold in the morning, so not a good idea, but it was fun after all and the Captain found it funny… his hands were out of his pockets for once! Next we worked in the engine room, the most amazing room ever, so much packed into a small space.

“In the evenings the trainees have all shared the card games that they know. To be honest I am the best at Uno even though I didn’t know how to play the game at the start of the trip! No phone signal means board games are back, and we played Poker without money, instead with sweets. It gets very competitive!

This experience is one that won’t be forgotten, especially having my 19th birthday aboard the ship – now that’s something to remember! There is just 1 day left until we see land, I have never been more excited to see a fly before – one landed on me today so must mean we are nearing the shore – there was a huge smile and much amusement when we saw the fly!

I think there are just 6 hours left until we have phone signal back …. so until then, bye!”

Luul Ahmed


Watch the action as it happens and follow the fleet’s progress using YB Satellite Tracking.


You can still be part of this adventure of a lifetime. Berths are available for Race 2 (from Sines to Bermuda) onwards. A limited number of bursaries are available for the Sines to Bermuda leg – with no age restrictions! Find out how to apply here.

Photo: Etoile (France) sailing towards Sines, Portugal (featured image and banner image).

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