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Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta Race 1, Report 7: Rona II Take Line Honours and News from the Crews

Posted on: 25.04.17

Rona II (UK) took the line honours in a thrilling finish to Race 1 as they battled neck and neck with Peter von Danzig (Germany) off the Portuguese coast…

The final stages of Race 1 proved to be incredibly exciting with many of the event supporters staying awake at home to witness the close finish between Rona II (UK) and Peter von Danzig (Germany) unfold on our live YB Tracking satellite tracker. Both crews have sailed outstanding races with the lead changing frequently over 1,000 miles of racing. In the end, Rona II managed to gain line honours in sight of her rival by 17 minutes and 55 seconds, finishing at 00:25:15.

“Roy Anderson, skipper of Rona II (UK) said “we had a neck and neck race with Peter von Danzig (Germany) right up to the finish line” and he wished his them good luck for race two to Bermuda. Hans-Heinrich von Maydell, skipper of Peter von Danzig congratulated Rona II on their success and explained that Rona II had made a good tactical decision by standing further off the Portuguese Coast to gain from the stronger winds. Both crews are enjoying the warm hospitality and weather here in Sines and there are plans for well-deserved celebrations.”

Paul Bishop, Race Director


  1. Jolie Brise (UK)
  2. Hosanna (France)
  3. Wylde Swan (The Netherlands)
  4. Christian Radich (Norway)
  5. Santa Maria Manuela (Portugal)
  6. Blue Clipper (UK)
  7. Rona II (UK)
  8. Peter von Danzig (Gremany)
  9. Etoile (France), retired
  10. Vera Cruz (Spain), retired

Note: Positions and placings are correct at time of writing. Check out YB Satellite Tracking for the latest information.

News from the Crew of Santa Maria Manuela


Monday 24 April

“Sailing on the Santa Maria Manuela has been such an enriching experience, challenging me physically, intellectually and psychologically. I have relished the opportunity to practice and develop my Portuguese when working with the crew. Every conversation imparts new vocabulary and phrases, as well as corrections! I have also learnt much about Portuguese culture in the process.

“My fellow trainees all come from very different backgrounds and ways of life, and I have learnt much from them. This has also made for a vibrant and lively ambience. The watch we have to assist with has been quite demanding, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Steering at the helm, plotting our position on the chart and raising the sails were just a few of the tasks we had the opportunity of doing. The crew were really helpful in guiding us too.

“In short, sailing on the Santa Maria Manuela has broadened my horizons in every sense of the word.”
Daniel Agyei

“So, a day in the life….. In the mornings I wake up at 4 am, it is the worst time, not even awake, my room hectic, I scramble into my clothes – it is the funniest thing watching me dress in the dark. I head up on deck, a green light shines on starboard, a red on port and lanterns light the bridge. There I meet my chief Andre, known affectionately as Adam Sandler (he is the spitting image only better looking!). I check my schedule for my duties which might be steering, bosun, navigation or galley steward. Steering is my favourite – hard at first but now I am like Jack Sparrow, spinning the helm single handed through the murky night.

“Working with the bosun, he looks like the mafia guy in Goldfinger; grey haired, deeply tanned, always smiling and puffing on a little pipe like a proper geezer. I have learnt the bow-line knot and how to splice and coil ropes. Using the on board technology, we have navigated our way through the Bay of Biscay and in the galley I have washed up with Hugo, a patient guy, ex navy and bald – he has probably lost his hair from all of our nagging.

“To all the other sailors on the other ships, good luck. The Santa Maria Manuela is on her way. I have got to go and get back up that rigging, I can’t wait to get to Portugal.”
Jack Rintoul

News from the Crew of Rona II


Sunday 22 April


Lat: 41 41 N Long: 9 50 W

“After we came storming out of the Bay of Biscay, the wind dropped significantly and we were sailing along at around 2-3 knots. This felt like we were almost sitting ducks as we had reached speeds of 16.3 knots through the
bay of Biscay.

“When we enter a new country’s waters, we have to raise a ‘courtesy flag’ – a little flag of their country, which acknowledges that we know we are under their laws and customs. So we hoisted the [closest approximation we could find to] the Spanish flag on the signal halyard. We were also constantly taking up and down a variety of sails to find the best solution to the annoying problem of there being very little wind. We tried all three spinnakers but settled on using the big one as it was most effective in our current light wind sailing conditions, which required skill and hard work but were easily overcome by the crew onboard.

“Happy hour consisted of a delicious surprise bacon sandwiches and some entertainment in the form of a watch against watch game of ‘Call ’em all’. The game became very competitive, but ended in blue watch being victorious and witha whole lot of laughs.

“So that’s where we are at midday on Sunday – 350 miles to go, crew well drilled and in good spirits. Bring on Sines and the delights of Portugal.”


Watch the action as it happens and follow the fleet’s progress using YB Satellite Tracking.


You can still be part of this adventure of a lifetime. Berths are available for Race 2 (from Sines to Bermuda) onwards. A limited number of bursaries are available for the Sines to Bermuda leg – with no age restrictions! Find out how to apply here.

Photo:Blue Clipper (UK) sailing towards Sines, Portugal (featured image and banner image).

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